Immigration - Illegal

Illegal immigration has been an area of battle between liberals and conservatives, especially recently. We may lessen the need for border guards through peaceful disincentives featured within this ComingTogether Plan. It is expected that this proposal will reduce illegal immigration by making this country economically less attractive to aliens who are not eligible to become citizens. An alien will pay (through withholding) the income tax on the income earned in this country, but would not be eligible for the proposed benefits.

Immigration - Legal

Legal immigration is also an issue inspiring many battles, but this issue is not necessarily one that separates liberals from conservatives. It is almost as likely to separate conservatives from other conservatives, or liberals from other liberals. This paper will leave for others to debate the issue of the number of people to allow into this country for the various reasons that visas are issued. However, this ComingTogether Plan may relieve some of the pressures on those discussions as fewer people will come for economic reasons, similar to the situation in illegal immigration (described above).

One of the ideas behind this proposed concept of government is that, while this country bases its government on the ideas in the Declaration of Independence that certain rights belong to all human beings, the benefits contemplated by this proposal are not among them. It would be well if that were communicated as this plan is rolled out. Each person in this country will be treated with the rights we recognize as belonging to all human beings until they forfeit them by committing a crime. Other benefits are to be considered choices made by this country to care for its citizens. In other words, a human being is not entitled to food, but we choose to be sure that all citizens have a minimal supply of food.

Therefore, a legal immigrant will typically be allowed normal human rights, but will not receive the benefits discussed in this proposal. Of course, we would expect the country to be a good host to our guest, so please do not take this suggestion as ruling out programs of compassion, such as assuring the availability of medical care and transport back to their country in an emergency.