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Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives
by Richard A. Swenson, M.D.
NavPress Publishing Group, Colorado Springs, CO 80935. Paper, 243 pp. ISBN 0-89109-888-7.

If you thought you had a pretty good "handle" on why the average American is so busy all the time, think again. The first section of Dr. Swenson's pivotal commentary on the overbooked lifestyle is a real wake-up call — and a collection of (true) 20th century horror stories.

Fortunately, he doesn't end his book with the thoroughly depressing diagnosis of our society. Indeed, the reader becomes more and more hopeful as the book progresses through the other sections: "Prescription" and "Prognosis." Dr. Swenson is a gifted man – his gift is to recognize the underlying cause common to our many complex problems, and to recommend some basic principles for healing this illness we call modernity. Along the way he instills much confidence for the outcome of his "patients," the frazzled Americans.

For a short book, it is fairly comprehensive in scope, addressing the problem of being maxed out in our emotions, health, and time as well as money. Along the way, it enriches the reader with short proverbs to keep a clear perspective: "Broken relationships are a razor across the artery of the spirit," "if contentment made house calls, its prescription would be 'increase your reserves,' " "Don't get caught in a web of shame spun by other people. A good night's sleep is not an embarrassment. It is not necessary to feel guilty if you are well-rested. Sleep is God's idea," "by lowering expenses below income, you live with far less stress and pressure --  if the refrigerator breaks down, you don't."

This is one of those life-changing books that will be of best benefit if referred to over and over again. Its refreshing call to balance and peace echoes our Lord's call: "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33 NIV). Thank you, dear doctor!

NOTE: An 8-week video series featuring brief lectures by Dr. Swenson on Margin is also available. Click HERE for more information.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Richard A. Swenson, M.D., has a B.S. in physics from Denison University and an M.D. from the University of Illinois School of Medicine. After years in private practice and in teaching at the University of Wisconsin Medical School he was called to travel and speak internationally. In 2002, he was awarded the National Leadership Award from the Central States Occupational Medical Association for his original work on margin and overload. In 2003 he was awarded Educator of the Year Award by Christian Medical and Dental Associations. Dr. Swenson and his wife, Linda, live in Menomonie, Wisconsin.

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